Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Have you tried to do Flickr. I did a while ago. Opened an account for my Creative Courage e-course. But do you think months later I could find it. It is rather hard on an ipad. After hours of fun and account settings and pass words, tight jaw and well the whole body really, I went to bed. Today I opened the big girl up. The Mac Book Pro. For some crazy reason I wanted to get to my Flickr account without having to go through FB. I wanted to use an account that is was offering. I thought this would be in the long run easier. But haha it wanted to link this account with another which you guested it I had to create. Then, yes there is a then. I decided to see a flickr button on my iphoto page so I click it. Turns out the phone app I loaded onto the ipad last night is really really hard to use. Well the big girl can do it for you straight up to flicker, via my FB log in. So I still dont know how to log into my Flickr account all by myself. Can not find a pass word or place to change a pass word. But hey you know what for today that is ok. Here is my flickr addresses. I think it is ? Me at Flickr. Try it let me know if you get any-where. I am sure it should have my title on it not a pile of numbers.
So why am I doing this ? I hear you all yawn. I know I need tea too. Well the Flying group Aussie girls. One in particular Michelle Dwyer, has opened up a challenge. Gosh it was a challenge to get me going to do the challenge. Each month we take photos in a theme. This month we take photos in the colour of dark red, with the theme of health and commitment. Whoops I forgot the commitment part to the task. Well I have done it. Found out a lot about the web. Had to make a Linky. Would love to give you a link but not sure. This might be it. http://linkyimg.arvixededicated.com/v2_thumbnail_linky_enter.aspx?id=123513
You know this whole thing is a great idea. Go and have a look at this page for January, see what you think. She has a special Flickr group set up. It will make make you train your eye to look at life differently, inspire you to see the positive around you and inspire you  to make art from what you see. Aswell as play with your camera and photo editing soft ware.

Here is my mosaic.

I have always wanted to do this mosaic thing and now I have. Oh there needs to be a link for that in here too. Hang on. Click here.
Gosh it takes a lot to do a blog entry. How do you all keep it looking so good ?

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Is Good enough, good enough ?

As I look at my friends, far and wide, on the FB sites we have to bring us together, I look at their works, their blogs, I listen to their ideas and journeys. I am so happy for them when I see the most amazing works they do. I am in ore of them. I look at myself through them and think gosh I am letting myself down, I really am. So how am I going to move along and make ?
Then I think. Ok I am not drawing amazing animations like Koosje. (Gosh she is really doing it). But I am re building the foundations of my creative life to get to that point again. Yes I am having fun. Sure "could" do more but then there is that would, should, could thing. So I say, sure I would like to do more, but it is ok right now to do this amount. If you are being hard on yourself please dont, she says talking out loud to herself !
Trust is my word for this year. I am to trust that it is all ok. Just keep moving forward. Trust I will get there. Oh well now, there is a dilemma. Get there ? Sure we will all get there, some-where. What is important, as we all know is the getting there. We have a choice dont we ! Do we fight all the way ? Or do we laugh all the way ? Do we see where it is we are going or do we trust that where ever it is we end up it will be fine ? The trip there is what is important. Hmmm but we do need some kind of map, some sort of direction, a goal. Yes we do. Hmm in some areas of our life we need to see where it is we want to be. In our areas, not so much. Yes a split is needed. I agree. Some areas of life need to be free and others need a destination. However we need to see that the trip is still in question. Fun or stress ! Fast or slow ?
I am not sure I like this post. I shall post it any-way and re think it another time.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Why Do You Give ?

Hello dear Blog,
I am so sorry I have left you alone for so long. I have been rather busy. But what a lovely surprise to open you and find the new look you. I had forgotten your new look. I have been thinking about you but seeing you in the old look and it was not calling me. I love your new look. Lovely blog.
So what have I been doing ? Well gosh so much. I have had a great time with the oldies at the nursing home over the Chrissy time. We made lots of Chrissy deco and we made our own crackers and filled them with chocolate. I dropped off more plates to St Barts for their Brisbane shop. They tell me they are walking out the door. Ar ha so thats why they are hounding me to make more all the time ! I have got out two lots of Artist Trading Cards for the group I belong to "Flygirls Artist Trading Card Group". It is a great feeling getting them done as tiny as they are. It takes longer to do tinny. For me it is. How exciting it was to get some in the post. From the States, from ladies I know through our FaceBook page from our course. To have their work in my home in my hands it is a lovely warm feeling. My Parents have been here for over 4 weeks from back home this was a great pleasure. We really didnt stop, well except for the odd nap. Other wise it was go go go. Christmas was lovely, full on. I was given some lovely art supplies by some lovely friends. Paint made from plants that you well the powered to use them and they smell like the plant too. Jelly beans that are crayons, all natural too. Mulberry papers the most stunning, pocket sketch book, pencils. And more. Isnt it the best feeling when those around you show you they get you and what you are about. Of course I had so much fun entertaining and giving. We were out for lunch a few days ago. The girl on the table was talking loudly to a man while they ate. She was talking about why people give. She said she gives to get good karma back. I so wanted to say to her that that is just not how it works at all. I thought hmmm why do I give ? The answer is simple. Because people need. Have a think about it. Why do you give ? If you dont give why not ? If you do give, what is it you give ? Money, time, love, care, wisdom, do you inspire those around you ?