Tuesday, 23 August 2011


I am rather into the
Plus I am sentimental !
My 21st record player really needed to go due to the record part no longer works properly. So sad. A friend is using box frames for her art. I got the idea I could take the front off my beloved record player and mount it in one of her frames. In the other I could use the turn table, needle and maybe I would find some-thing interestingly beautiful inside for an arrangement in an other fame. Of course I am unable to butcher my memories at this point in life. However it got me thinking.... hmmmmm...... those lovely thingies inside the electronics that I cant throw out, my first modem, computer, mobile phone, etc. I could pull them apart and mount them, antiques hahahaa. Not wanting to waste them, gosh I am hopeless I really am. I think it comes back to my mother grrrr don't waste it she was always saying. So I looked around my world. I have access to aircraft scrap. Yes I know, a strange thing but more interesting I suspect than old technology that I cant part with ! I got radio navigation systems first. Took to pulling them apart with many tools. To reveal the most loveliest of thingies inside. Oh instant art. Too yummy to do 100% what I had envisioned. I think " keep it simple" So with the engaging of my dremel, which I have been itching to use since it's arrival under the tree a few Chrissys ago, started making the bigger parts more manageable and getting the smaller bits off the not so exciting looking boards. I love using the soldering iron. Heat up the solder to release the bits from their boards.
After playing with some arrangements and less is more and girl-friends owing and arring I got some together. Feeling quite happy with myself. My partner doesnt think they are saleable in their present form but show promise. The girls were racking their brains for names. We settled on P-ARTS. I like them. See what you think ?

Monday, 22 August 2011

Lovely comments.

Loving talking to the ladies on our Flying FB page. Thanks for the comments on my FB title ladies you are all so special for your ideas making me feel a million dollars.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Some of my pottery.

I was lucky to find really lovely Indian sari printing blocks that worked well in my clay. I used different pigments to wash into the imprints and then wipe back the tops to almost clean. Then only clear glazing the tops, leaving the backs raw.                             
 I enjoy rolling the clay, allowing it to form the plate itself. I find I control so much in my life that I want the clay to take me instead. This does not always happen. It does with the plates and I have enjoyed making them for that reason. 

 With these ones I have used antique printing blocks which I love to hold in my hands. The fabric pigments from their intended use are impregnated into the wood. 

Monday, 15 August 2011

So many ideas.

I have lots of ideas wurling around in my head. Usually at the wrong time. I try to write them down in a book I have only for ideas. I let a page open of its own will and write the idea and sketch it there in the place the book choose. I look at it from time to time and think owh yes I must do that, the book is closed and I dont do any-thing. I am hoping this course will help me. I do pottery classes once a week to make sure I do keep art in my life. I hear about writers looking at a white page and not being able to write, writers block. Well it is like my will is a white page. I have will block. I have every-thing here to create lots of thingies. I am most happy when I am creating some-thing arty so I know I am to continue being arty. I hope that one day I will just change. I know it needs to be through an action I take but I am lost on my own journey. To wake up one morning and be inspired to make arty thingies, to be lost in a project so much that I forget to eat lunch. This is what I long for.


I am having troubles getting going. I feel very lonely. I am not lonely physically but I feel alone. I feel bad for even writing this.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Today and yesterday.

Went to a great art gallery last night called 19 Karen for an exhibition of many artists. We got there late and stayed there late. Came home with some amazing pieces from all over the world. The owners came with a large piece from New York that would not fit into our car, this morning. Found out we had so much in common with them. Terri and David such lovely people. Inspired me to add my P-Arts work on my website (that I do not tend to). Took a while to remember how to add and update my site. It felt great to be active. Who knows, here I am with a blog, may-be an Esty shop soon.

Gosh this is a little tricky.

Hmmmmm thought I was making a new post but I was not I was making a comment ! Things to learn here.